#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# -------------
# DM2 Processor
# -------------

# With this Perl script you can manipulate frames and skins in ranges of
# blocks in DM2 files. It works on DM2 text files and (if LMPC is available),
# also on DM2 binary files.

# Get dm2proc (without HTML decorations) from
# http://demospecs.half-empty.de/misc/dm2proc.pl
# or from the CVS repository
# http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/lmpc/lmpc/bin/procdm2.pl.

# $Id: procdm2.pl,v 1.13 2009/10/23 20:35:48 girlich Exp $
# Uwe Girlich (uwe@half-empty.de)

# modules init
use strict;
use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case);
use IO::File;
use Pod::Usage;
use Pod::Text;
use IPC::Open3;
use File::Spec;

# prototypes
sub command_parse($);
sub logging;
sub warning;
sub syntaxerror($$$);
sub range_parse($);

# release information
sub release() { (my $release = q$Revision: 1.13 $) =~ s/^[^:]+:\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/; $release; }
sub date() { (my $date = q$Date: 2009/10/23 20:35:48 $) =~ s/^[^:]+:\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/; $date; }
sub comment() { "alpha quality"; }

# default option values
my $opt_input = "input.dm2";	# default input file name
my $opt_output = "output.dm2";	# default output file name
my $opt_command = "command.proc";	# default processing command file
my $opt_lmpc = "lmpc";		# default lmpc command
my $opt_version = 0;		# version off
my $opt_help = 0;		# help off
my $opt_man = 0;		# manual off
my $opt_logging = 0;		# logging verbose level
my $opt_warning = 0;		# warning verbose level
# parse command line
	'input|i=s'	=>	\$opt_input,
	'output|o=s'	=>	\$opt_output,
	'command|c=s'	=>	\$opt_command,
	'lmpc=s'	=>	\$opt_lmpc,
	'version|V'	=>	\$opt_version,
	'help|?'	=>	\$opt_help,
	'man|m'		=>	\$opt_man,
	'logging|l=i'	=>	\$opt_logging,
	'warning|w=i'	=>	\$opt_warning,
) or pod2usage(-msg=>"Syntax error", -verbose=>0);

if ($opt_help) {
	warning 10, "podusage() for short help should not return.\n";

if ($opt_man) {
	warning 10, "podusage() for long help should not return.\n";

if ($opt_version) {
	printf "DM2 Processor %s, %s (%s)\n", release(), date(), comment();

my $command = command_parse($opt_command);
if (not ref $command) {
	warning 0, "Problem parsing command file $opt_command.\n";
logging 10, "parsing command file $opt_command completed.\n";

my $prepost = 0;
my $lmpc_ok = 0;
if (-f $opt_lmpc && -x $opt_lmpc) {
	logging 30, "$opt_lmpc is an executable.\n";
	# but maybe it is without directory and not in the PATH
	my ($volume,$directories,$file) = File::Spec->splitpath($opt_lmpc);
	if ($volume eq "" && $directories eq "") {
		# single filename, must be in PATH or not callable
		my @path = File::Spec->path();
		foreach (@path) {
			my $abs_path = File::Spec->catfile($_,$opt_lmpc);
			if (-f $abs_path && -x $abs_path) {
				logging 20, "$opt_lmpc was found in PATH env.\n";
				$lmpc_ok = 1;
		if ($lmpc_ok == 0) {
			logging 20, "$opt_lmpc was not found in PATH env.\n";

	else {
		if (File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($opt_lmpc)) {
			logging 20, "$opt_lmpc is absolute path.\n";
			$lmpc_ok = 1;
		else {
			logging 20, "$opt_lmpc is relative path.\n";
			$lmpc_ok = 1;
else {
	my ($volume,$directories,$file) = File::Spec->splitpath($opt_lmpc);
	if ($volume eq "" && $directories eq "") {
		my @path = File::Spec->path();
		foreach (@path) {
			my $abs_path = File::Spec->catfile($_,$opt_lmpc);
			if (-f $abs_path && -x $abs_path) {
				logging 20, "$opt_lmpc was found in PATH env.\n";
				$lmpc_ok = 1;
	else {
		logging 20, "$opt_lmpc does not exist.\n";
		$lmpc_ok = 0;

if ($lmpc_ok == 1) {
	logging 20, "The command $opt_lmpc is available.\n";
	my $info = "$opt_lmpc --info $opt_input";
	logging 30, "checking with '$info', if input is text or binary\n";
	my $info_fh;
	my $pid = open3("<&STDIN", $info_fh, $info_fh, $info);
	if ($pid==0) {
		warning 0, "Could not execute ´$info´: $!.\n";
	logging 35, "started child with pid $pid.\n";
	if (!defined $info_fh) {
		warning 0, "Could not read output from  '$info': $!.\n";
		waitpid $pid, 0;
	logging 40, "reading output from '$info'\n";
	while (<$info_fh>) {
		if (/$opt_input.*DM2 txt/) {
			$prepost = 0;
			logging 35, "$opt_input is really text\n";
		if (/$opt_input.*DM2 bin/) {
			logging 35, "$opt_input is really binary\n";
			$prepost = 1;
	logging 40, "output ended\n";
	waitpid $pid, 0;
else {
	warning 20, "The command $opt_lmpc is not available.\n";
	$prepost = 0;

my $text_in;
my $text_out;
if ($prepost) {
	logging 35, "$opt_input is assumed to contained binary\n";
	$text_in = "text_in_$$.txt";
	$text_out = "text_out_$$.txt";
else {
	logging 35, "$opt_input is assumed to contain text\n";
	$text_in = $opt_input;
	$text_out = $opt_output;

my $error = 0;

if ($prepost) {
	my $preproc = "$opt_lmpc --to-txt $opt_input $text_in";
	logging 20, "Calling '$preproc' to generate text file.\n";
	system $preproc;
	if (!-f $text_in) {
		warning 0, "LMPC ($opt_lmpc) did not create $text_in.\n";
		$error = 1;
		goto out;

logging 0, "$text_in (DM2 txt) -> $text_out (DM2 txt)\n";

logging 30, "Reading $text_in.\n";
my $in_fh = new IO::File "<$text_in";
if (!defined $in_fh) {
	warning 0, "Could not open $text_in for reading: $!.\n";
	if (!$prepost) {
		warning 0, "Please use '-i inputfile'.\n";
	$error = 1;
	goto out;

logging 30, "Writing $text_out.\n";
my $out_fh = new IO::File ">$text_out";
if (!defined $out_fh) {
	warning 0, "Could not open $text_out for writing: $!.\n";
	$error = 1;
	goto out;

my $state = 0;
my $block = 0;
my $entity = 1;
my $frame = 0;
my $skin = 0;
my $new_frame = 0;
my $new_skin = 0;
my $subst_frame = 0;
my $subst_skin = 0;
my %entity = ();
while (<$in_fh>) {
	my $line = $_;
	# process the input line
	if ($line =~ /^  seq1 (\d+)/) {
		$block = $1;
		logging 30, "block number $block: ";
		if (!exists $command->{$block}) {
			logging 30, "ignore\n";
			$state = 0;
		else {
			logging 30, "work\n";
			$state = 1;
			# Memorize all the entities where we have something
			# to do in this frame.
			for (keys %{$command->{$block}}) {
				$entity{$_} = 1;
	if ($state == 1) {
		if ($line =~ /packetentities {/) {
			logging 40, "block number $block packetentities start\n";
			$state = 2;
	if ($state == 2) {
		if ($line =~ /  packetentity {/) {
			logging 40, "block number $block packetentity start\n";
			$state = 3;
		if ($line =~ /^ }/) {
			logging 40, "block number $block packetentites ended\n";
			for $entity (keys  %entity) {
				logging 40, "block $block, entity $entity missing\n";
				my $line_new = "  packetentity {\n   entity $entity;\n";
				if (exists $command->{$block}->{$entity}->{"f"}) {
					$frame = $command->{$block}->{$entity}->{"f"};
					logging 40, "adding frame $frame\n";
					$line_new .= "   frame $frame;\n";
				if (exists $command->{$block}->{$entity}->{"s"}) {
					$skin = $command->{$block}->{$entity}->{"s"};
					logging 40, "adding skin $frame\n";
					$line_new .= "   skin $skin;\n";
				$line = $line_new . "  }\n" . $line;
			$state = 0;
	if ($state == 3) {
		if ($line =~ /   entity (\d+);/) {
			$entity = $1;
			logging 30, "entity number $entity: ";
			if (!exists $command->{$block}->{$entity}) {
				logging 30, "ignore\n";
				$state = 2;
			else {
				logging 30, "work\n";
				$state = 4;
				if (exists $command->{$block}->{$entity}->{"f"}) {
					$frame = $command->{$block}->{$entity}->{"f"};
					$new_frame = 1;
					$subst_frame = 0;
					logging 31, "frame -> $frame\n";
				if (exists $command->{$block}->{$entity}->{"s"}) {
					$skin = $command->{$block}->{$entity}->{"s"};
					$new_skin = 1;
					$subst_skin = 0;
					logging 31, "skin -> $skin\n";
	if ($state == 4) {
		if ($new_frame &&
			$line =~ s/(   frame )\d+(;)/$1$frame$2/) {
			logging 32, "frame subst OK\n";
			$subst_frame = 1;
		if ($new_skin &&
			$line =~ s/(   skin )\d+(;)/$1$skin$2/) {
			logging 32, "skin subst OK\n";
			$subst_skin = 1;
		if ($line =~ /  }/) {
			if ($new_frame && !$subst_frame) {
					$line = "   frame $frame;\n" . $line;
					logging 32, "frame append OK\n";
			if ($new_skin && !$subst_skin) {
					$line = "   skin $skin;\n" . $line;
					logging 32, "skin append OK\n";
			logging 40, "packetentity ended\n";
			$state = 2;
		delete $entity{$entity}; # This is done.
	print $out_fh $line;

if ($prepost) {
	my $postproc = "$opt_lmpc --to-bin $text_out $opt_output";
	logging 20, "Calling '$postproc' to generate binary file.\n";
	system $postproc;


if ($prepost) {
	logging 20, "Remove temporary text files $text_in and $text_out.\n";
	unlink $text_in, $text_out;

# End of program.
exit $error;

sub command_parse($)
	my $command_filename = shift;
	my %command = ();
	logging 0, "Reading command file %s.\n", $command_filename;
	my $command_fh=new IO::File("<$command_filename");
	if (!defined $command_fh) {
		warning 0, "Could not open %s for reading: $!.
Please use '-c commandfile'.\n", $command_filename;
		return 0;
	my $e=0;
	while (<$command_fh>) {
		my $line = $_;
		$line =~ s/#.*//;		# remove comment
		$line =~ s/^\s*//;		# remove leading whitespaces
		$line =~ s/\s*$//;		# remove trailing whitespaces
		$line =~ s/\s*-/-/g;		# remove whitespace before -
		$line =~ s/-\s*/-/g;		# remove whitespace after -
		next if $line =~ /^$/;		# ignore empty line
		my $letter;
		my $args;
		if ($line =~ /^([a-zA-Z])\s*(.*)$/) {
			$letter = lc $1;
			$args = $2;
		else {
			syntaxerror $command_filename, $., "no command";
			return 0;
		if ($letter eq "e") {
			if ($args =~ /^(\d+)$/) {
				$e = $1;
			else {
				syntaxerror $command_filename, $., "$args is not a number";
				return 0;
			logging 40, "entity $e\n";
		elsif ($letter eq "f" or $letter eq "s") {
			my $blocks;
			my $frames;
			if ($args =~ /^([^\s]+)\s+([^\s]+)$/) {
				$blocks = $1;
				$frames = $2;
			else {
				syntaxerror $command_filename, $., "command $letter: $args is not blockrange argsrange";
				return 0;
			my ($bs,$be,$bi) = range_parse($blocks);
			my ($fs,$fe,$fi) = range_parse($frames);
			logging 50, "blocks $bs ... $be (inc $bi): $letter $fs ... $fe (inc $fi)\n";
			my $f = $fs;
			for (my $b=$bs;$bi>0?$b<=$be:$b>=$be;$b+=$bi) {
				logging 60, "b $b e $e $letter $f\n";
				$f += $fi;
				if ($fi>0?$f>$fe:$f<$fe) {
					$f = $fs;
		else {
			syntaxerror $command_filename, $., "unknown command";
			return 0;
	return \%command;

# trace
sub logging
		my $level = shift;
		if ($level<=$opt_logging) {
			printf STDERR @_;

sub warning
	my $level = shift;
	if ($level<=$opt_warning) {
		printf STDERR @_;

sub syntaxerror($$$)
	my ($command, $line, $message) = @_;
	warning 0, "Command file $command: syntax error in line $line.\n$message.\n";

sub range_parse($)
	my $text = shift;
	if ($text =~ /^([^-]+)-([^-]+)$/) {
		return $1, $2, $1<$2? 1 : -1;
	else {
		return $text, $text, 1;


=head1 NAME

procdm2 - DM2 Processor


procdm2.pl [options]

  -i|--input file       input file name (default: input.dm2).
  -o|--output file      output file name (default: output.dm2).
  -c|--command file     command file name (default: command.proc).
  --lmpc file		LMPC executable (default: lmpc)
  -V|--version          print version.
  -h|-?|--help          brief help message.
  -m|--man              full documentation.
  -l|--logging level    logging verbose level (default: 0, off).
  -w|--warning level    warning verbose level (default: 0, off).

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 8

=item B<--input file>

Defines the input file name. Default: input.dm2. The input file can be
a DM2 text file or a DM2 binary file. In case of a binary file, it will
be converted into a text file by calling LMPC --to-txt.

=item B<--output file>

Defines the output file name. Default: output.dm2. The output file has the
same type (binary or text) as the input file.

=item B<--command file>

Defines the processing command file name. Default: command.proc.

=item B<--lmpc file>

Defines the name of the LMPC command. Default: lmpc.

=item B<--version>

Prints the program version and exits.

=item B<--help>

Print a brief help message and exits.

=item B<--man>

Prints the manual page and exits.

=item B<--logging level>

Set the verbose level for logging trace output. Default: 0, off.

=item B<--warning level>

Set the verbose level for warning trace output. Default: 0, off.



This program will read the given input file, perform the actions defined in
the command file and write the output file.


The processing command text file consists of lines with commands.
# starts a comment. Empty lines will be ignored.

=over 8

=item B<e entity>

This defines the number of the entity, for which the following commands
are valid. Defaults to 1.

=item B<f blockrange framerange>

This commands defines, that in the blocks in blockrange the frames from
framerange must be used.

=item B<s blockrange skinrange>

This commands defines, that in the blocks in blockrange the skins from
skinrange must be used.


=head1 RANGES

A range consists of a starting number and optional a dash and an ending
number. Whitespaces and backward ordering (end smaller than begin) are

=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 AUTHOR

Uwe Girlich (uwe@half-empty.de)
