The Little Movie Processing Centre Uwe Girlich, v3.1.9, 8/16/1998, (beta release) This document is the user's guide of The Little Movie Processing Cen- tre (LMPC). LMPC is a utility to handle DOOM, DOOM ][, HERETIC, HEXEN and STRIFE LMP files. There is a rudimentary support for Duke Nukem 3D and Redneck Rampage DMO files. Quake DEM files, QuakeWorld QWD files and Quake II DM2 files (client and server recorded) are supported too. The DEM file cutter tool (DEMcut), The DEM Text File Analyser (DEMA) and The Demo Broadcasting Server (DBS) are part of this package as well. ______________________________________________________________________ Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. LMPC, The Little Movie Processing Centre 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Command line parameters 2.2.1 Syntax description 2.2.2 Information about a LMP, DMO, DEM, QWD or DM2 file 2.2.3 LMP/DMO/DEM/QWD/DM2 text converter (decompiler) 2.2.4 LMP/DEM/QWD/DM2 binary converter (compiler) 2.2.5 LMP file version change 2.2.6 LMP file player's view change 2.2.7 LMP file ``Wait'' ( 2.2.8 LMP file clean-up: ``Pause'' ( 2.2.9 LMP file clean-up: ``Save Game'' ( 2.2.10 DEM file repair: multi-level files 2.2.11 Game type determination 2.3 Bugs and limitations 3. DEMA, The DEM Text File Analyser 4. DEMcut, The DEM file cutter tool 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Batch usage 4.3 Interactive usage 4.4 Commands 4.4.1 Help 4.4.2 Output file 4.4.3 DEM file 4.4.4 Speed 4.4.5 Time 4.4.6 Loop 4.4.7 CD track 4.4.8 Frame 4.4.9 Range 4.4.10 Multi-player preparing 4.4.11 Interactive mode 4.4.12 Quit 4.5 Example 4.6 Problems, ideas and everything 5. DBS, The Demo Broadcasting Server 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Command line parameters 5.2.1 Syntax description 5.2.2 Version 5.2.3 Port 5.2.4 Maximum number of players 5.3 What DBS does 6. LS format 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Header Area 6.3 Data Area 6.3.1 Movements 6.3.2 Use (LMP only) 6.3.3 Fly and Look (HERETIC and HEXEN only) 6.3.4 Use Artifact (HERETIC and HEXEN only) 6.3.5 STRIFE Artifacts 6.3.6 Jump (HEXEN and STRIFE only) 6.3.7 STRIFE actions 6.3.8 Use (DMO only) 6.3.9 Special Codes 7. DEM source format 8. QWD source format 9. DM2 source format 10. More tools and information 11. History and future of LMPC ______________________________________________________________________ 11.. IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn LMPC is the name of the complete package and the name of the biggest parts in it: The Little Movie Processing Centre. LMPC is a collection of utilities to handle old (<=1.4) and new DOOM, DOOM ][, HERETIC, HEXEN and STRIFE LMP files. There is support for Duke Nukem 3D and Redneck Rampage DMO files, Quake DEM files, QuakeWorld QWD files and Quake II DM2 files (client and server recorded) too. You can download the package from my Demo Specs page . It is based upon the information in the Unofficial LMP format description , the Unofficial DMO format description , the Unofficial DEM format description , the Unofficial QWD format description and the Unofficial DM2 format description . Read the apropriate document to find out the exact version numbers supported by LMPC. I write the format description and the program at the same time; so if it is described in the specs document, it is in general supported by the LMPC program. 22.. LLMMPPCC,, TThhee LLiittttllee MMoovviiee PPrroocceessssiinngg CCeennttrree 22..11.. IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn With LMPC you can get information about a LMP, DMO, DEM, QWD or DM2 file, change the version and viewing player's number, add some wait tics at the end, remove the pause tics, clear the ``Save Game'' tics and (this is the main part) you can compile and decompile a LMP, DMO, DEM, QWD or DM2 from and to a LS file. LS stands for ``_LMP _Source''. . To reduce the amount of new abbreviations I call the ``DMO Source'' LS too. The language is similar and will be treated in the same way. The LS language is documented at full length in the section ``LS format''. The ``DEM Source'' (see section ``DEM source format'') and all the more the ``QWD Source'' (see section ``QWD source format'') is totally different but I call it LS anyway. The same holds for Quake II DM2 (see section ``DM2 source format'') files. 22..22.. CCoommmmaanndd lliinnee ppaarraammeetteerrss LMPC is a command line oriented program. It uses the getopt_long library for the command line parsing. The LMP file convert options (--change-version, --change-player, --add-WT, --remove-pause and --clear-save) can be used together. 22..22..11.. SSyynnttaaxx ddeessccrriippttiioonn SSyynnttaaxx:: lmpc DDeessccrriippttiioonn:: If you start LMPC without any command line parameters you receive the following syntax message: Little Movie Processing Centre LMPC (c) U. Girlich, 1994-98, Release __VERSION__ __DATE__ (__COMMENT__) lmpc [option ...] filename [filename ...] -h, --help display this help and exit. -V, --version output version information and exit. -i, --info prints out information about the LMP-files. -s, --to-txt binary/text to text conversion. -l, --to-bin binary/text, ... to binary conversion. -v, --change-version VERSION changes the version of a LMP-file to VERSION (0 means old DOOM). -p, --change-player PLAYER changes the recording player of a LMP-file to PLAYER (0..3). -w, --add-WT SECONDS adds SECONDS (int) WT game tics to the LMP file -r, --remove-pause removes the game tics between PS and PE. -c, --clear-save clears SG tics. -f, --fix-multi fixes multi-player DEM files. -t, --tic FROM(,|:)TO converts only a part of the LMP-file (in connection with -s only). -g, --game GAME forces game (GAME=DOOM,DOOM2,HERETIC,HEXEN, STRIFE,DUKE,REDNECK,QUAKE,QUAKEWORLD,QUAKE2) short: D2HXSNRQWq (only with -(i|s|v|p|w|r|c)). -m, --mark-step STEP marks every STEPth tic in the LS file (-s only) STEP=0 doesn't mark any game tic; default: STEP=1. 22..22..22.. IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn aabboouutt aa LLMMPP,, DDMMOO,, DDEEMM,, QQWWDD oorr DDMM22 ffiillee SSyynnttaaxx:: lmpc [--info|-i] binfile [binfile ...] IInnppuutt FFiillee:: binfiles DDeessccrriippttiioonn:: LMPC reads each binfile and prints out some information like game, version number, episode, map, skill, number of players, deathmatch/altdeath, nomonsters etc. Please note: in the old DOOM format there is no version information, so if you check e.g. a 1.2 LMP file you receive only the vague information v<1.4 instead of v1.2. LMPC doesn't report any version for HERETIC and HEXEN LMP files. This option works for DMO files too. They will be detected automatically but you can use the --game DUKE option as well. This option works for DEM, QWD and DM2 files too. They will be detected automatically but you can use the --game QUAKE, --game QUAKEWORLD and --game QUAKE2 option as well. The information on DEM, QWD and DM2 files nearly zero beside the information that it is actually a DEM, QWD or DM2 file and the number of frames in binary DEM, QWD or DM2 files. To get more information of a DEM file convert it into a text file and use DEMA, The DEM Text File Analyser. 22..22..33.. LLMMPP//DDMMOO//DDEEMM//QQWWDD//DDMM22 tteexxtt ccoonnvveerrtteerr ((ddeeccoommppiilleerr)) SSyynnttaaxx:: lmpc (--to-txt|-s) [(--tic|-t) FROM(,|:)TO] [(--mark-step|-m) STEP] infile txtfile IInnppuutt FFiillee:: infile OOuuttppuutt FFiillee:: txtfile DDeessccrriippttiioonn:: LMPC reads the file infile, converts it to the corresponding text format and stores the result in the text file txtfile. infile may be a LMP binary, DMO binary, DEM binary, DEM text, QWD binary, QWD text, DM2 binary or DM2 text file. Most of the additional options do work with binary LMP files only. If the --tic option is used, only the part between gametic FROM and TO (inclusive) will be stored in the LS file. A missing FROM means the start of the LMP file and a missing TO means the end of the LMP file. FROM and TO are separated by a comma (,) or a colon (:). The MS-DOS version may have difficulties with comma as a separator because COMMAND.COM (4dos as well) splits a command line at spaces and commas. The TO part will become a different argument and might be interpreted as a file name. LMPC appends at the end of the LS file some useful additional information. For each player there is a statistics about his favourite movement codes and the portion of WT. Since you can achieve with keyboard/joystick only a few special movement codes, is is very easy to detect, if the player used a keyboard or a mouse. Some newbies don't use strafe, so LMPC shows also this handicap. The statistic takes in account always the full LMP file. From the favourite movement codes you can easily deduce the number behind a prospective -turbo parameter. If the --mark-step option is used LMPC will mark every STEPth game tic with the tic-number and the current time. The default STEP value is 1. If STEP=0 no marks are printed at all. Any --mark-step option in conjunction with a binary DEM, QWD and DM2 files is a special debug-option. It includes in the text file the frame number and the starting address of all messages. This option may be removed or changed in future releases. The --fix-multi option can be used together with --to-txt. 22..22..44.. LLMMPP//DDEEMM//QQWWDD//DDMM22 bbiinnaarryy ccoonnvveerrtteerr ((ccoommppiilleerr)) SSyynnttaaxx:: lmpc (--to-bin|-l) infile [infile ...] binfile IInnppuutt FFiillee:: infiles OOuuttppuutt FFiillee:: binfile DDeessccrriippttiioonn:: LMPC reads the first file, determines the game type and compiles a binary file out of all the files on the command line. The binary (destination) file is always the last argument. This option works with LS files, DEM text, DEM binary, QWD text, QWD binary, DM2 text and DM2 binary files as input files only. LMPC can handle more than 1 input file with LS files only. For combination of DEM files use DEMcut. The --fix-multi option can be used together with --to-bin. 22..22..55.. LLMMPP ffiillee vveerrssiioonn cchhaannggee SSyynnttaaxx:: lmpc (--change-version|-v) VERSION lmpfile1 [lmpfile2] IInnppuutt FFiillee:: lmpfile1 OOuuttppuutt FFiillee:: lmpfile1 or [lmpfile2] DDeessccrriippttiioonn:: LMPC reads the binary LMP file lmpfile1, changes the version number byte in lmpfile1 to the appropriate value or stores the result in lmpfile2. The VERSION can be the version byte itself (0 for the old LMP files) or anything like 1.4beta, 1.9 or whatever. There is no guarantee for a special LMP file to work with the new version!! 22..22..66.. LLMMPP ffiillee ppllaayyeerr''ss vviieeww cchhaannggee SSyynnttaaxx:: lmpc (--change-player|-p) PLAYER lmpfile1 [lmpfile2] IInnppuutt FFiillee:: lmpfile1 OOuuttppuutt FFiillee:: lmpfile1 or [lmpfile2] DDeessccrriippttiioonn:: LMPC reads the LMP file lmpfile1, changes the number of the player (0..3: new DOOM, DOOM ][; 0..7: STRIFE) with the main view (status bar, sound) in lmpfile1 or stores the result in lmpfile2. To change only the main player byte works only with new LMP files, since old ones are always recorded from the view of the first player (no. 0) and there is no information about this in the header. 22..22..77.. LLMMPP ffiillee ````WWaaiitt'''' (( WWTT )) ttiiccss aaddddiittiioonn SSyynnttaaxx:: lmpc (--add-WT|-w) SECONDS lmpfile1 [lmpfile2] IInnppuutt FFiillee:: lmpfile1 OOuuttppuutt FFiillee:: lmpfile1 or [lmpfile2] DDeessccrriippttiioonn:: LMPC reads the lmpfile1 and adds at the end SECONDS * 35 * player number empty (WT) game tics. This results in a SECONDS seconds longer LMP file. With lmpfile2 the result will be written in lmpfile2. Without this parameter, lmpfile1 will be changed. This option is very useful for contest LMP files with a long visible summary screen. 22..22..88.. LLMMPP ffiillee cclleeaann--uupp:: ````PPaauussee'''' (( PPSS ,, PPEE )) ttiiccss SSyynnttaaxx:: lmpc (--remove-pause|-r) lmpfile1 [lmpfile2] IInnppuutt FFiillee:: lmpfile1 OOuuttppuutt FFiillee:: [lmpfile2] DDeessccrriippttiioonn:: LMPC reads the lmpfile1 and copies all game tics to lmpfile2. During the copy process LMPC scans the contents for Pause Start game tics (PS) and Pause End game tics (PE). The PS game tic will be copied to lmpfile2 but with an empty ``use byte''; the game tics between PS and PE (inclusive PE) wont be copied. Without the second filename LMPC will write to a temporary file and replaces at the end lmpfile1. The game tic numbers of PS and PE are printed during the conversion. You may have difficulties with play back such a patched LMP file. This is the case if you patch a LMP file of a level with a revenant (skeleton). The revenant uses a random number generator to choose between a self controlled rocket and a normal rocket. The input of this generator are the last two bits of the game tic number. This means you have to make sure that you cut a number of game tics divisible by 4. In general this is impossible so do not use pause in levels with a revenant. An arch vile makes similar difficulties but I don't even know how to prevent it. 22..22..99.. LLMMPP ffiillee cclleeaann--uupp:: ````SSaavvee GGaammee'''' (( SSGG )) ttiiccss SSyynnttaaxx:: lmpc (--clear-save|-c) lmpfile1 [lmpfile2] IInnppuutt FFiillee:: lmpfile1 OOuuttppuutt FFiillee:: [lmpfile2] DDeessccrriippttiioonn:: LMPC reads the lmpfile1 and copies all game tics to lmpfile2. During the copy process LMPC scans the contents for Save Game game tics (SG). Every SG command will be cleared. With lmpfile2 the result will be written in lmpfile2. Without this parameter, lmpfile1 will be changed. 22..22..1100.. DDEEMM ffiillee rreeppaaiirr:: mmuullttii--lleevveell ffiilleess SSyynnttaaxx:: lmpc (--fix-multi|-f) demfile IInnppuutt FFiillee:: demfile OOuuttppuutt FFiillee:: demfile DDeessccrriippttiioonn:: Quake has problems with the play-back of multi-level recordings. The reason are blocks like block { camera 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000; stufftext "reconnect\n"; } between the different levels. The reconnect command confuses the play-back totally. LMPC reads the demfile and replaces all occurrences of reconnect- commands with ``nop-bytes''. LMPC writes the changed file directly back at the source file (in-place editing). The mentioned block would then look like block { camera 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; } The --fix-multi option can be used together with --to-bin and --to- txt. LMPC removes the reconnect command in this case. 22..22..1111.. GGaammee ttyyppee ddeetteerrmmiinnaattiioonn SSyynnttaaxx:: lmpc (--info| --change-version| --change-player| --to-txt| --add-WT| --remove-pause) (--game|-g) GAME binfile [filename ...] IInnppuutt FFiillee:: binfile OOuuttppuutt FFiillee:: action dependent DDeessccrriippttiioonn:: LMPC determines the game type of a LMP (binary), DMO (binary), DEM (text and binary), QWD (text and binary) or DM2 (text and binary) file very good. But it can't good distinguish between HERETIC/HEXEN and old DOOM LMP files. Moreover it can't distinguish at all between DOOM ][ Map 1-9 and new DOOM Episode 1 LMP files. The latter case is not very important but the first is more severe. To force LMPC to use a particular game type use --game. GAME can be DOOM, DOOM2, HERETIC, HEXEN, STRIFE, DUKE, REDNECK, QUAKE, QUAKEWORLD or QUAKE2 or the short form D, 2, H, X, S, N, R, Q, W or q. 22..33.. BBuuggss aanndd lliimmiittaattiioonnss To distinguish between old DOOM, HERETIC and HEXEN LMP files I use a simple turn-byte-average algorithm. This fails, if the LMP file is too short or you turn always in the same direction and never go forward. Due to the header change in HEXEN 1.1, it is nearly impossible to distinguish fast between HERETIC and HEXEN 1.1 LMP files. LMPC looks then at the file date and treats files with an creation year >=1996 as HEXEN and all others as HERETIC files. This is totally stupid but what else can I do? LMPC supports client side recorded DM2 files and DM2 files recorded by the console command _s_e_r_v_e_r_r_e_c_o_r_d (working from Quake II version 3.15). One single DM2 file can even contain parts from both sides. Quake II may only playback client side recordings. If you produced a good recording file (at least some minutes and with some action) and LMPC can not detect the game type, please send it to me. Up to a corrected version make sure to use the --game option. Some hints to solve the problem are welcome as well. The *number repeat code in LS files really repeats this line number times and does not care about multi player-game tics. The MS-DOS binary of LMPC converts all file names to lower case to simplify the name handling. The tolower C-function doesn't converts any kind of special characters like oe or e. This can cause some severe data lost. I use a redundancy in DEM files to detect Quake cheaters. My simple check will fail if the player gets hit and he gets a medikit at the very same time. Some versions of Quake use a slightly different DEM format. LMPC/DEMcut can read this ``new'' format but they write the old 1.06 format. SQuake 1.07 for Linux behaves similar: it writes the old format but can play back the old and the new format. The QuakeWorld support is really alpha and Hexen II DEM files don't work at all. 33.. DDEEMMAA,, TThhee DDEEMM TTeexxtt FFiillee AAnnaallyysseerr To analyse a DEM file convert it into a text file and use DEMA. DEMA is a very simple Perl script, which may give you the time per level, the level name and the average frame time (client update time). This Perl script is total incomplete but it may be helpful yet. There are no command line switches. You have to edit the script to change the summary. I wrote DEMA in Perl, which is very good at pattern matching and extraction. I will _n_e_v_e_r write a C version, so write one yourself or install Perl. The main aim of DEMA is to show a sample framework for any kind of DEM text analysing. 44.. DDEEMMccuutt,, TThhee DDEEMM ffiillee ccuutttteerr ttooooll 44..11.. IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn DEMcut is the DEM file cutter tool. I don't know anything about movie cutting whatsoever but DEMcut should help you a lot cutting parts out of a DEM file, putting different DEM files together or using some special effects like slow-motion or backward moving of particular scenes. DEMcut does all this and much more in a very easy way: It gets the names of all DEM files to be processed from the command line and reads from ``Standard In'' commands to manipulate them. During the manipulation DEMcut writes one or more DEM files. A good knowledge of DEM files is required to use DEMcut. DEMcut doesn't do any checks to prevent you from creating non-working files. 44..22.. BBaattcchh uussaaggee The easiest way to use DEMcut is with a cutting list batch file. This file should contain all commands to be processed and can even have some comments why you did something like you did it. Use any text editor for this and start DEMcut with an input redirection. demcut demfile1.dem demfile2.dem < commands.txt DEMcut starts, reads in all DEM files from the command line and reads the commands from the command file. All messages (every command pro- duces a message after completion) from DEMcut go to the screen or may be redirected to a logging file as well. demcut demfile1.dem demfile2.dem < commands.txt > output.log 44..33.. IInntteerraaccttiivvee uussaaggee One of the best feature of DEMcut is the possibility to do an interactive analysis of DEM files. The interactive mode is not compiled in on systems without support for named pipes. It runs with Unix and Linux but not on MS-DOS, Win32 etc. I will describe now the Linux use. First you have to create a named pipe in the directory where your Quake copy reads its DEM files from. mkfifo fifo.dem Now start Quake (make sure to use xquake and and not xf86quake) in a window as usual and playdemo this named pipe. playdemo fifo Quake tries now to read a demo out of fifo.dem but there is nothing to read in: it stops. Now comes the appearance of DEMcut. Open a new window and start DEMcut with the DEM file of your interest. demcut mydem.dem DEMcut reads in mydem.dem, does some preprocessing and waits for input. The first thing to do is to direct all output to the named pipe. o fifo.dem Now create the start of a normal DEM file with CD track and level ini- tialisation. c -1\n r 0 2 It's unbelievable but Quake starts now the level and waits for further actions. Now play around with different ranges, speed tests or back- ward movements. Don't forget to put the disconnect frame at the end. Quake will usually play immediately what you intend but the Quake client time stands still after playing, so all the active sound patches will be repeated over and over and the Quake doesn't redraw its window. This is the point where the ``interactive mode'' comes in: DEMcut changes its behaviour with the command i 1 This repeats the last frame sent to Quake but with an ongoing time. The interactive mode allows you to type in new commands during a range command. Now you can fast forward wind and rewind to find out all the frame numbers of interest. In another window you can now edit your cutting list batch file and run this file for cutting the final product. 44..44.. CCoommmmaannddss There are not too many commands but they are very powerful. The command language is line oriented: one line means one command. Comments start with `#', empty lines or lines with wrong commands will be ignored as well. DEMcut prints a short response after finishing a command to stdout. 44..44..11.. HHeellpp SSyynnttaaxx:: h DDeessccrriippttiioonn:: DEMcut prints a _v_e_r_y short online help. If `i' (interactive mode) isn't listed, your operating system doesn't support named pipes and the interactive mode is left out. 44..44..22.. OOuuttppuutt ffiillee SSyynnttaaxx:: o filename DDeessccrriippttiioonn:: Writes further output to this file. The old output file (if there was one) will be closed. If the output file can't be written (permission denied), DEMcut bombs back to the OS shell without any warning. I may do a check in the future. QQuueerryy ssyynnttaaxx:: o DDeessccrriippttiioonn:: Prints the current output file name. DDeeffaauulltt vvaalluuee:: demcut.dem 44..44..33.. DDEEMM ffiillee SSyynnttaaxx:: d filename DDeessccrriippttiioonn Selects this DEM file as source. QQuueerryy ssyynnttaaxx:: d DDeessccrriippttiioonn:: Prints the current input DEM file name. VVaalluuee rraannggee:: Any DEM file name. DEMcut generates an error, if the file is not a good DEM file. DDeeffaauulltt vvaalluuee:: First DEM file from the command line. If there was no valid DEM file on the command line the d query command generates an error. 44..44..44.. SSppeeeedd SSyynnttaaxx:: s speed DDeessccrriippttiioonn:: Speeds up all further output by this factor. speed>1 increases the play-back speed, speed<1 slows the play-back down. VVaalluuee rraannggee:: speed may be any positive float value. QQuueerryy ssyynnttaaxx:: s DDeessccrriippttiioonn:: Prints the current speed. DDeeffaauulltt vvaalluuee:: 1.0 44..44..55.. TTiimmee SSyynnttaaxx:: t time DDeessccrriippttiioonn:: Sets the current time. VVaalluuee rraannggee:: time may be any positive float value. QQuueerryy ssyynnttaaxx:: t DDeessccrriippttiioonn:: Prints the current time. DDeeffaauulltt vvaalluuee:: 0.0 44..44..66.. LLoooopp SSyynnttaaxx:: l loop-count DDeessccrriippttiioonn:: Sets the loop count. Every further frame will be written loop- count times to the output. The time goes forward as usual. VVaalluuee rraannggee:: loop-count may be any positive integer value. QQuueerryy ssyynnttaaxx:: l DDeessccrriippttiioonn:: Prints the current loop count. DDeeffaauulltt vvaalluuee:: 1 44..44..77.. CCDD ttrraacckk SSyynnttaaxx:: c track DDeessccrriippttiioonn:: Write the CD track string to the current output. If the CD track string doesn't end with whitespace (`\t', `\r', `\n', `\f'), an `\n' will be silently appended. Don't forget this command at the beginning of every DEM file (like it happened with finesc5.dem of the Eschaton movie). QQuueerryy ssyynnttaaxx c DDeessccrriippttiioonn:: Prints the current CD track string. DDeeffaauulltt vvaalluuee:: -1\n 44..44..88.. FFrraammee SSyynnttaaxx:: f frame-number DDeessccrriippttiioonn:: Writes the selected frame to the output. This frame gets the current time. The time will be increased afterwards by the frame duration divided by the current speed. The whole process will be repeated as much as the current loop count states. The frame command stops in interactive mode a running range command. VVaalluuee rraannggee:: frame-number can be any integer number between 0 and the maximum frame number in the currently selected DEM input file. QQuueerryy ssyynnttaaxx:: f DDeessccrriippttiioonn:: Prints the current frame number. DDeeffaauulltt vvaalluuee:: 0 44..44..99.. RRaannggee SSyynnttaaxx:: r range-start range-end DDeessccrriippttiioonn:: Writes the selected range of frames to the output. Every frame gets the current time. The time will be increased after each frame by the frame duration divided by the current speed. Every frame will be repeated as much as the current loop count states. In interactive mode you can use any commands during a running range command (i.e. speed change). The range command can be stopped in interactive mode by a new range command or a frame command. VVaalluuee RRaannggee:: range-start and range-end may be any integer number between 0 and the maximum frame number in the currently selected DEM input file. range-end may even be smaller than range-start. If they are equal the result is the same as with the frame command. QQuueerryy ssyynnttaaxx:: r DDeessccrriippttiioonn:: Prints the current range. DDeeffaauulltt vvaalluuee:: 0, last frame number of the first DEM file from the command line. 44..44..1100.. MMuullttii--ppllaayyeerr pprreeppaarriinngg SSyynnttaaxx:: m multi-start multi-end DDeessccrriippttiioonn:: Grabs out of the defined frame range all uuppddaatteennaammee and uuppddaatteeccoolloorrss messages and writes all these messages together with the camera angles of the last written frame to the output. It doesn't write anything if there was no uuppddaatteennaammee or uuppddaatteeccoolloorrss message in the defined frame range. Everyone, who ever tried to concatenate different multi-player DEM files knows the problem: The ``actors'' log in to the server in a different order and so they get every time different player numbers. If one tries to assemble all these files together one will end up with the wrong colour scheme because all players stick to the colour, number and name from the very first recording. The only solution is to insert the right name and colour definition of each part in the final product. And this does the ``m'' command. VVaalluuee RRaannggee:: multi-start and multi-end may be any integer number between 0 and the maximum frame number in the currently selected DEM input file. multi-end may even be smaller than multi-start. QQuueerryy ssyynnttaaxx:: m DDeessccrriippttiioonn:: Prints the current multi-player range. DDeeffaauulltt vvaalluuee:: 0, last frame number of the first DEM file from the command line. 44..44..1111.. IInntteerraaccttiivvee mmooddee SSyynnttaaxx:: i inter DDeessccrriippttiioonn:: Toggles the interactive mode. The frame and the range command will be affected by the interactive mode. This command is not implemented on all systems. Use the help command (`h') to find it out. DEMcut continues to write (under certain conditions) the last written frame with an ongoing time. This feature is useful for an interactive use only (as the command name suggests). DEMcut remembers the (real) time, when the last frame written to Quake is finished. If up to this time came no new command (this is the normal case in interactive use) and the interactive mode is on, DEMcut writes the last frame again. But the time stamp of this frame goes on and on. So Quake gets always new frames and doesn't stop. This is extremely important for users with many overlapping windows (like me): Quake refreshes its window in an normal working state only. It is very interesting to see what happens in the Quake window, if it gets always the same frame but the time goes on. This shows us the different sources of movement: particles (blood traces) are totally moved by the client (they continue to move ), gibs are frozen in the air (they are real entities) and the weapon moves up and down as usual (client driven). DEMcut does not allow to repeat frames which change the signon number (frame 0, 1 or 2 of a normal DEM file). Neither does it repeat the ddiissccoonnnneecctt frame. The range command may be interrupted by other commands. You need this for looking at the current frame number (frame command without new frame number), for changing the current playback- speed etc. A new frame or range output command stops the running range command. VVaalluuee RRaannggee:: 0 (interactive mode off) or 1 (interactive mode on). QQuueerryy ssyynnttaaxx i DDeessccrriippttiioonn:: Prints the current interactive mode. DDeeffaauulltt vvaalluuee:: 0 44..44..1122.. QQuuiitt SSyynnttaaxx:: q DDeessccrriippttiioonn:: Closes the output file and quits DEMcut. 44..55.. EExxaammppllee A very easy task is to create a DEM file, which shows with double speed the reversed actions of the well-known demo ``Ranger Gone Bad ][: The Assault'' (created by United Rangers Films). To do this start DEMcut with demcut rgb2.dem and type in (or much simpler use a text file and redirection) # this is a comment, I love comments # select the output o rgb2rev.dem # select the input (not really necessary) d rgb2.dem # speed things up s 2 # write the CD track c -1\n # write the starting frames (level init is in 0,1 and 2) r 0 2 # write all frames in reversed order (actions are in 3..7330) r 7330 3 # write the disconnect frame (is the last one) f 7331 # quit q This creates the new DEM file rgb2rev.dem with the desired content. 44..66.. PPrroobblleemmss,, iiddeeaass aanndd eevveerryytthhiinngg The current implementation of DEMcut is full of deficiencies but anyway, it works. +o The synchronisation between DEM output and the ``real'' time in the interactive mode is made using polling technique. It should be alarm(2) controlled. +o I'm thinking about the possibility to incorporate the fake Quake server of DBS in DEMcut to remove the FIFO dependency. Interactive work could then mean: fiddling at this server and a Quake client of any architecture serves as a monitoring screen (after connect to this server at the same or any other machine). +o Please use a real OS for DEMcut. The preparing phase at the start of DEMcut for rgb2.dem takes at my P133 8 seconds with Linux but 17 seconds with MS-DOS. +o The Mingw32 (Win32 without cygwin.dll) version of DEMcut (demcutm.exe) may be totally broken. I never tested it and have no access to a Win32 system to check it. If someone really wants a working version for such a OS, please find the problem yourself. 55.. DDBBSS,, TThhee DDeemmoo BBrrooaaddccaassttiinngg SSeerrvveerr 55..11.. IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn DBS is a fake Quake server, which shows every connected client a DEM file. This server is absolute alpha code. It prints a hell of debug messages and doesn't know the full Quake network protocol. I think the name is crap and I will change it. Please send me ideas. The source of DBS relies on some low-level Unix network routines. I may get it to work in Win32 some day with the Cygnus API but don't expect a plain Win32 version. 55..22.. CCoommmmaanndd lliinnee ppaarraammeetteerrss DBS is a command line oriented program. It uses the getopt_long library for the command line parsing. DBS doesn't stop for itself. Use Control+C to stop it. 55..22..11.. SSyynnttaaxx ddeessccrriippttiioonn SSyynnttaaxx:: dbs [--help|-h] DDeessccrriippttiioonn:: If you start DBS without any command line parameters or the help parameters you receive the following syntax message: Demo Broadcasting Server DBS (c) U. Girlich, 1997, Release __VERSION__ __DATE__ (__COMMENT__) dbs [option ...] demfile -h, --help display this help and exit. -v, --version output version information and exit. -p, --port defines an UDP port for the server. -m, --max-player defines the max. number of players. 55..22..22.. VVeerrssiioonn SSyynnttaaxx:: dbs (--version|-v) DDeessccrriippttiioonn:: DBS prints a version message and quits. 55..22..33.. PPoorrtt SSyynnttaaxx:: dbs (--port|-p) PORT ... DDeessccrriippttiioonn:: DBS uses by default the UDP port 26000 for the communication. This value can be overwritten with this option. 55..22..44.. MMaaxxiimmuumm nnuummbbeerr ooff ppllaayyeerrss SSyynnttaaxx:: dbs (--max-players|-m) MAX_PLAYERS ... DDeessccrriippttiioonn:: DBS allows by default 16 players to connect and view the DEM file. This value can be overwritten with this option. The internal limit for the number of players is 255 because the Quake Network protocol reserves only an unsigned char for the number of players. 55..33.. WWhhaatt DDBBSS ddooeess Nowadays are so many fake clients out there but not a single fake server. A proxy is not a real server because it is a client for another server. So I decided to analyse the network protocol, learnt something about UDP programming and wrote my own server. I hope to include some parts of this server into DEMcut, a feature which lacks most GUI DEM file editors up to now. DBS mimics the behaviour of a normal Quake server. This means you can check the server with your favourite spy tool. The next step is to log in. This works as usual (you get your private UDP port and so on) but DBS ignores all client movement packets and sends to the client only the converted DEM packets of a prepared DEM file. A small problem are the camera messages in the DEM packets. They come into the DEM file at the client side and not from the server over the network. Therefore I included in every packet an additional setangle message with the current camera angles. This means, that you can't get the original DEM file by client (or proxy) recording. I hope to stabilise the server much more and think of a selection menu at the beginning where a client may select the DEM file (``channel'') of interest. I call it DoD (Demo on Demand). 66.. LLSS ffoorrmmaatt This chapter describes the ASCII text based source of a LMP or DMO file. I created this language for myself. This means neither id Software nor 3D Realms use this for game development or the like. It is simply a way to show what is in these miraculous recording files. 66..11.. IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn The LMP Source format (LS) is a (ASCII text based) readable description of the contents of a (binary) LMP or DMO file. LMPC produces (with --to-txt) a well formatted LS file. So you can learn by example. I hope, that the text parser in LMPC (with --to- bin) can parse most LMP source. It can't parse DMO source files. +o The LS language is a line oriented language. +o Empty lines are ignored. +o The keywords aren't case sensitive. +o The characters between # and ``new line'' will be ignored. +o ``new line'' can be 0x0A or 0x0D0A. At the very beginning of a LS file (produced by lmpc --to-txt) there are some comment lines with derived information: LLMMPP DOOM (][) LMP file: filename of the LMP file Number of players: derived from the number of used colours Total play time: derived from the number of game tics Number of game tics: derived from the file length DDMMOO Duke Nukem 3D DMO file: filename of the DMO file Total play time: derived from the number of game tics Number of game tics: taken from the header, it stays better in a comment 66..22.. HHeeaaddeerr AArreeaa The Header Area starts with the keyword HeaderStart and ends with the keyword HeaderEnd. Between HeaderStart and HeaderEnd there are lines with general information about the LMP or DMO file: GGaammee:: game type (DOOM, DOOM ][, HERETIC, HEXEN, STRIFE, Duke Nukem 3D, Redneck Rampage) VVeerrssiioonn:: version number or version byte (new DOOM/DOOM ][, STRIFE) or 0 (old DOOM/HERETIC/HEXEN), the real version for Duke Nukem 3D and Redneck Rampage SSkkiillll:: player skill (LMP: 1-5, DMO: 1-4) EEppiissooddee:: episode (DOOM/HERETIC/Duke Nukem 3D: 1-4, DOOM ][/HEXEN: 1, not in STRIFE), Redneck Rampage: 1 (I don't know it better yet, should be 1-4) MMaapp:: starting map (DOOM/HERETIC/Duke Nukem 3D: 1-9, DOOM ][: 1-32, HEXEN 1-40, STRIFE: 32-??), Redneck Rampage: 1-11 In multi-player LMP files comes now a table with the colours (0-3) of the players (0-3) (0-7 in STRIFE and HEXEN 1.1) Player0: Colour of player 0 Player1: Colour of Player 1 etc. PPllaayyeerr:: Number of players (does exist in DMO source only) The following lines are special for new DOOM, DOOM ][ and STRIFE LMP files. MMuullttiiRRuullee:: Multi-Player Playing Rule (Cooperative, DeathMatch or Altdeath) RReessppaawwnn:: number (This line appears only if the LMP was recorded with -respawn. The number is the number of the command line parameter -respawn.) FFaasstt:: number (This line appears only if the LMP was recorded with -fast. The number is the number of the command line parameter -fast.) NNooMMoonnsstteerrss:: number (This line appears only if the LMP was recorded with -nomonsters. The number is the number of the command line parameter -nomonsters.) VViieewwOOffPPllaayyeerr:: colour (The LMP is recorded from the view of the player with this colour, (0<=colour<=3)) The following lines are special for new Duke Nukem 3D and Redneck Ram- page DMO files. MMuullttiiRRuullee:: Multi-Player Playing Rule (DukeMatch (RedneckMatch) (with spawn), Coop, Dukematch (Redneckmatch) (without spawn)) RReessppaawwnn MMoonnsstteerrss:: number (This line appears only if the DMO file was recorded with /t1.) RReessppaawwnn IItteemmss:: number (This line appears only if the DMO file was recorded with /t2.) RReessppaawwnn IInnvveennttoorryy:: number (This line appears only if the DMO file was recorded with /t3.) NNooMMoonnsstteerrss:: number (This line appears only if the DMO file was recorded with /m.) The following lines are special for Redneck Rampage DMO files. FFaakkeePPllaayyeerrAAII:: number (This line appears only if the DMO was recorded with /a.) NNaammee:: "string" (The standard name is "LEONARD" but it can be changed with the -name option.) Sometimes lmpc --to-txt can't distinguish between new DOOM and DOOM ][ LMP files: In the Game line appears ``DOOM or DOOM ][''. The version byte can easily be derived from the game version. 0 : DOOM 1.1, 1.2 101: STRIFE 1.0, 1.1 104: DOOM 1.4beta 105: DOOM 1.5beta 106: DOOM 1.6beta, DOOM 1.666, DOOM ][ 1.666 107: DOOM ][ 1.7, DOOM ][ 1.7a 108: DOOM 1.8, DOOM ][ 1.8 109: (Ultimate) DOOM 1.9, DOOM ][ 1.9 110: published source code LMP version bytes In HEXEN LMP files appears the player class (0: fighter, 1: cleric, 2: mage) too: Class: single player class (0-2) or in multi-player LMP files: Class0: player 0 class Class1: player 1 class etc. 66..33.. DDaattaa AArreeaa The Data Area starts with the keyword DataStart and ends with the keyword DataEnd. All actions of one game tic have to be in one text line. In a multi- player LMP there is one line for each player per game tic. LMPC may append (with the --mark-step option) a comment with the game tic and the time passed until this game tic at the line of the first player. 66..33..11.. MMoovveemmeennttss A movement consists of a 2 letter word and an amount n. code action game range GFn Go Forward n LMP 1<=n<=127 GBn Go Backward n LMP 1<=n<=127 SLn Strafe Left n LMP 1<=n<=127 SRn Strafe Right n LMP 1<=n<=127 GXn Go X-direction n DMO -32768<=n<=32767 GYn Go Y-direction n DMO -32768<=n<=32767 TLn Turn Left n LMP 1<=n<=127 TLn Turn Left n DMO 1<=n<=32767 TRn Turn Right n LMP 1<=n<=127 TRn Turn Right n DMO 1<=n<=32767 Movement commands 66..33..22.. UUssee ((LLMMPP oonnllyy)) UT Use Thing (press button, open door etc.) NWn New Weapon (1<=n<=8) (change the weapon manually) FW Fire Weapon PS Pause Start PE Pause End SGn Save Game in slot n (0<=n<=7) Use commands You can not combine PS, PE and SG with other Use commands. But you can combine the other Use commands (for instance UT and FW at the same time). 66..33..33.. FFllyy aanndd LLooookk ((HHEERREETTIICC aanndd HHEEXXEENN oonnllyy)) A fly and look command consists of a 2 letter word and an amount (1<=n<=15) 66..33..44.. UUssee AArrttiiffaacctt ((HHEERREETTIICC aanndd HHEEXXEENN oonnllyy)) The Use Artifact command consist of the code AT and a letter (a..j) equivalent to the gimme-cheat of HERETIC. In HEXEN such a cheat code does not exist but the command remains the same: FUn Fly Up n FDn Fly Down n LUn Look Up n LDn Look Down n FC Fly Centre (landing, drop) LC Look Centre (look forward) Fly and Look commands HHEERREETTIICC:: ATa ring of invincibility ATb shadowsphere ATc quartz flask ATd chaos device ATe tome of power ATf torch ATg time bomb of the ancients ATh morph ovum ATi wings of wrath ATj mystic urn HERETIC artifacts HHEEXXEENN:: ATa icon of the defender ATb quartz flask ATc mystic urn ATd clerical healing key ATe dark servant ATf torch ATg porkalator ATh wings of wrath ATi chaos device ATj flechette ATk banishment device ATl boots of speed ATm krater of might ATn dragonskin bracers ATo disc of repulsion UA use all (panic button) HEXEN artifacts 66..33..55.. SSTTRRIIFFEE AArrttiiffaaccttss You can only the use STRIFE artifacts with the IN or DR actions. The Use Artifact command consist of the code A and an artifact number. Up to now I know only 12 artifacts. 66..33..66.. JJuummpp ((HHEEXXEENN aanndd SSTTRRIIFFEE oonnllyy)) In HEXEN and STRIFE you can jump up. code name 0x74 toughness 0x75 accuracy 0x76 full health 0x7B teleportor beacon 0x7C metal armor 0x7D leather armor 0xA1 med patch 0xA2 medical kit 0xA3 coin 0xA7 shadow armor 0xA8 environmental suit 0xB7 offering chalice STRIFE artifacts JU jump Jump command 66..33..77.. SSTTRRIIFFEE aaccttiioonnss There are some more STRIFE actions. Remember: no talks are stored in the LMP file. LU Look Up LD Look Down RU Run IN Use Inventory DR Drop Inventory JU Jump Up U6 Unknown Action Number 6 HE Use Health STRIFE actions 66..33..88.. UUssee ((DDMMOO oonnllyy)) There are 28 actions in DMO files (and 4 bits for weapon change). As far as it works I use the same codes for the same or similar thing as in LMP sources. To describe the actions I use the terms for key definitions in DUKE3D.CFG. 66..33..99.. SSppeecciiaall CCooddeess WT Wait a Tic *n Repeats the current line n times Special commands 77.. DDEEMM ssoouurrccee ffoorrmmaatt The DEM format is very complicated. Therefore I don't include a documentation of the text format here. Please look in the ``Unofficial DEM format description''. The current version is available at . JU Jump CR Crouch FW Fire AU Aim_Up AD Aim_Down RU Run LU Look_Up LD Look_Down VI NightVision MK MedKit AR AutoRun LC Center_View HW Holster_Weapon IL Inventory_Left HD Holo_Duke JP Jetpack IR Inventory_Right TA TurnAround UT Open IN Inventory AC6 ?? AC7 ?? AC12 ?? PA Pause AC22 ?? AC23 ?? AC26 ?? AC31 ?? NWn New Weapon (1<=n<=10) (change the weapon manually) DMO actions You will understand my textual representation of the DEM format by inspecting a sample file and reading a bit about the structure in the mentioned document. If someone is willing to write a documentation of my DEM text format please inform me and your document will be included right here. For the die-hard hacker: the lex file udeml.l and the yacc file udemy.y contain the complete language grammar documentation. 88.. QQWWDD ssoouurrccee ffoorrmmaatt The QWD format is even harder to understand than the DEM format. Please look in the ``Unofficial QWD format description''. The current version is . You will understand my textual representation of the QWD format by inspecting a sample file and reading a bit about the structure in the mentioned document. If someone is willing to write a documentation of my QWD text format please inform me and your document will be included right here. 99.. DDMM22 ssoouurrccee ffoorrmmaatt The DM2 format is a nice and compact file format. Please look in the ``Unofficial DM2 format description''. The current version is . You will understand my textual representation of the DM2 format by inspecting a sample file and reading a bit about the structure in the mentioned document. If someone is willing to write a documentation of my DM2 text format please inform me and your document will be included right here. 1100.. MMoorree ttoooollss aanndd iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn For further information on LMP files look in the ``Unofficial LMP format description''. The current version is . For further information on DMO files look in the ``Unofficial DMO format description''. The current version is . For further information on DEM files look in the ``Unofficial DEM format description''. The current version is . For further information on QWD files look in the ``Unofficial QWD format description''. The current version is . For further information on DM2 files look in the ``Unofficial DM2 format description''. The current version is . A DEM file editing guide can be found at . There do exist some DEM file manipulation tools from other authors. Find them in Slipgate Central . 1111.. HHiissttoorryy aanndd ffuuttuurree ooff LLMMPPCC LMPC started in the good old DOOM days as a very small Turbo Pascal 6.0 program to show me what's in these LMP files. It is now a ``fat'' C application and has way too many command-line switches. DEMcut is not as widely used as LMPC but it started the DEM editing hype. DBS (I really have to change this name) gave the Keygrip authors ( ) the starting point for their internal fake Quake server. 11..00 ((88//3300//11999944)) (8/31/1994 posted in alt.binaries.doom," +o General: first public version. 11..0011 ((88//3311//11999944)) lmpc101.arj (9/1/1994 posted in alt.binaries.doom," +o LMP: bug fixed in WT statistics. +o Docu: LS description / LMPC program reference splitted in LS.DOC / LMPC.DOC. +o LMP: New heuristic algorithm to discover former version changes. +o Docu: History added in LMPC.DOC. +o General: Terry ( wrote also a DOOM utility (I don't know it) with the archive name Therefore I changed to the ARJ archive. 22..00 ((1100//1111//11999944)) lmpc20.arj (internal beta test release) +o LMP: the LMP compiler is ready after all! 22..0011 ((1100//1122//11999944)) lmpc201.arj (internal beta test release) +o LMP: decompiler bug fixed (UT/FW and NW in the same game tic). +o LMP: compiler parser improved (token length test). +o LMP: NW8 (8 gives you the chain saw directly) added. 22..11 ((1100//2244//11999944)) lmpc21.arj (10/25/1994 posted in alt.binaries.doom)" +o General: after a error free beta test phase nothing changed, new public version. 22..2200 ...... 22..2266 ((nneevveerr ppuubblliisshheedd)) +o General: rewritten from scratch (Turbo Pascal 6.0 -> ANSI C). 22..2277 ((22//2255//11999955)) lmpc-2.27.tar.gz (internal beta test release) +o LMP: LS format improved (new HERETIC movements). +o LMP: can handle DOOM ][ and HERETIC LMP files. +o LMP: GAME-token in the LS Header. +o LMP: version change expects now the real version byte. +o LMP: 1.5 times faster (2.27/2.1, checked with a >300K LMP). +o General: includes now an executable for MS-DOS and Linux. 22..33 ((44//2299//11999955)) lmpc-2.3.tar.gz/ +o General: full source code included. +o LMP: version change expects a real version string or the version byte. +o General: zip and tar.gz release. +o General: includes now go32.exe and stub.exe too. 22..44 ((88//77//11999955)) lmpc-2.4.tar.gz/ (public release)" +o General: MS-DOS binary cross compiled with go32crs. +o Docu: documentation in HTML and plain text (created with Mosaic from the HTML version). +o LMP: Ultimate DOOM with 4th episode tested (nothing changed). 22..55 ((88//2233//11999955)) lmpc-2.5.tar.gz/ (internal beta test release)" +o General: command line parsing now with getopt_long and long option names are allowed too. +o General: to compile lmpc.exe (MS-DOS binary) I included the getopt-package from the GNU C library (my copy of djgpp doesn't include getopt). +o General: --info can handle many files on the command line. +o LMP: --lmp-to-ls can decompile a specific part of the LMP file (the new --tic option). +o LMP: the buggy version number string function repaired. +o LMP: the new option --game to force the game type of the LMP file. 22..66 ((88//2266//11999955)) lmpc-2.6.tar.gz/ (internal beta test release)" +o LMP: --ls-to-lmp converts now several LS files to a LMP file. +o LMP: new option --add-WT to add WT at the end of a LMP file. 22..66..11 ((88//2288//11999955)) lmpc-2.6.1.tar.gz/ (internal beta release)" +o General: 3 parts of the version number. +o LMP: --gametic FROM(,|:)TO: colon is allowed as a separator too. +o LMP: --ls-to-lmp keeps track of PS and PE. +o LMP: --remove-pause to remove the Pause game tics. 22..77..00 ((99//33//11999955)) lmpc-2.7.0.tar.gz (internal alpha release) +o LMP: --gametic changed to --tic +o LMP: total new code to convert LMP files (all in one). +o LMP: do multiple LMP file changes at the same time. +o LMP: convert LMP files with the help of a temporary file (if necessary). 22..77..11 ((99//55//11999955)) lmpc-2.7.1.tar.gz/ (internal beta release)" +o LMP: small bug fixes in the new code. +o LMP: MS-DOS binary converts now all filenames to lower case. 22..77..22 ((99//66//11999955)) lmpc-2.7.2.tar.gz/ (internal beta release)" +o LMP: small bug in the MS-DOS binary corrected. 22..88..00 ((1100//55//11999955)) lmpc-2.8.0.tar.gz/ (public release)" +o General: Nothing important changed after one month of intensive beta testing. The code is stable. 22..99..11 ((1100//99//11999955)) lmpc-2.9.1.tar.gz/ (internal beta release)" +o General: from now on I use a version number scheme similar to Linux: second number odd means test. +o LMP: HEXEN support (rudimentary). 22..99..22 ((1100//99//11999955)) lmpc-2.9.2.tar.gz/ (internal beta release)" +o LMP: correct names of all HEXEN artifacts. 22..99..33 ((1111//1199//11999955)) lmpc-2.9.3.tar.gz/ (internal beta release)" +o LMP: new option --clear-save to clear the SG tics. +o Docu: documentation in Linux-SGML. +o LMP: small multi-player bug corrected, thanks to Rob McCartney ( for his bug report. 22..99..44 ((1122//66//11999955)) lmpc-2.9.4.tar.gz/ (internal beta release)" +o new option --mark-step to mark only every STEPth game tic +o General: MS-DOS version uses CR/LF instead of LF for LS files. 22..99..55 ((22//1100//11999966)) lmpc-2.9.5.tar.gz/ (internal alpha release)" +o DMO: rudimentary support for Duke Nukem 3D DMO files (alpha code!). 22..99..66 ((22//1122//11999966)) lmpc-2.9.6.tar.gz/ (internal alpha release)" +o DMO: reliable version of lzw.c/unlzw.c included. +o DMO: all DMO header bytes decoded. +o General: new WWW directory structure. 22..99..77 ((22//1133//11999966)) lmpc-2.9.7.tar.gz/ (internal beta release)" +o DMO: version 1.1 of lzw.c/unlzw.c included. +o DMO: DMO support in -s and -i. +o Docu: documentation structure changed. 22..99..88 ((22//1199//11999966)) lmpc-2.9.8.tar.gz/ (internal beta release)" +o DMO: Chunk header removed from DS format. +o DMO: multi-player size/tics/time corrected. +o DMO: Pause is AC21. 22..99..99 ((33//66//11999966)) lmpc-2.9.9.tar.gz/ (internal beta release)" +o LMP: STRIFE support included. 22..99..1100 ((44//77//11999966)) lmpc-2.9.10.tar.gz/ (internal beta release)" +o LMP: HEXEN 1.1 (8 player) support included. +o LMP: considerable changes in the -g code. 22..99..1111 ((44//1144//11999966)) lmpc-2.9.11.tar.gz/ (internal bug fix release)" +o LMP: version string scan routine improved (buggy since 2.9.9). +o LMP: game type determine routine corrected (buggy since 2.9.10). +o LMP: HEXEN version change (1.0 <-> 1.1) now possible. 22..99..1122 ((44//2211//11999966)) lmpc-2.9.12.tar.gz/ (internal beta release)" +o DMO: macro-block error fixed. +o LMP: STRIFE player colour names included. 22..99..1133 ((77//11//11999966)),, nneevveerr rreelleeaasseedd (internal incomplete alpha release)" +o DEM: coding started for Quake DEM files, nothing completed. 22..99..1144 ((77//22//11999966)),, nneevveerr rreelleeaasseedd (internal incomplete alpha release)" +o Quake DEM files: coding continued, something completed. 22..99..1155 ((77//33//11999966)),, nneevveerr rreelleeaasseedd (internal incomplete alpha release)" +o DEM: coding continued, structure mostly completed. +o General: new recursive Makefiles, MS-DOS compiling not supported anymore. +o General: new Linuxdoc-SGML 1.5 options. +o General: Linux binary is ELF finally. +o General: MS-DOS binary is djgpp V2.0 compatible (and runs in dosemu). 22..99..1166 ((77//44//11999966)),, nneevveerr rreelleeaasseedd (internal incomplete alpha release)" +o DEM: CD track identified. +o DEM: player movement identified. 22..99..1177 ((77//77//11999966)),, lmpc-2.9.17.tar.gz/ (beta release)" +o DEM: cross reference to DEM specs. +o DEM: clientdata with more information. +o DEM: entities: ModNum with reference to the model names. 22..99..1188 ((77//88//11999966)),, lmpc-2.9.18.tar.gz/ (beta release)" +o DEM: stupid spawnstatic error corrected. +o DEM: code beautified. 22..99..1199 ((77//1144//11999966)),, lmpc-2.9.19.tar.gz/ (beta release)" +o DEM: many new values explained. +o DEM: strings can contain unprintable characters. 22..99..2200 ((77//1177//11999966)),, lmpc-2.9.20.tar.gz/ (beta release)" +o DEM: some new values explained. +o DEM: code rearranged. +o DEM: corresponds (more or less) to dem-0.0.5. 22..99..2211 ((77//2233//11999966)),, lmpc-2.9.21.tar.gz/ (beta release)" +o DEM: some new values explained. +o DEM: massive code rearrangements. 22..99..2222 ((88//77//11999966)),, lmpc-2.9.22.tar.gz/ (beta release)" +o DEM: almost all explained. +o DEM: text file parser is ready (lex, yacc), first check. +o DEM: -s may now decompile a DEM txt file to a DEM txt file. +o DEM: massive code rearrangements. 22..99..2233 ((88//1144//11999966)),, lmpc-2.9.23.tar.gz/ (beta release)" +o DEM: the ``to bin converter'' is ready. Not very stable. +o General: all messages (not getopt) go to stderr. +o DEM: write to - means stdout. +o General: new command line options: --to-txt and --to-bin +o Docu: some terms changed. 22..99..2244 ((1100//66//11999966)),, lmpc-2.9.24.tar.gz/ (beta release)" +o DEM: all float output (time inclusive) with g-format (9 digits). +o DEM: more internal errors corrected. 22..99..2255 ((1100//1133//11999966)),, lmpc-2.9.25.tar.gz/ (beta release)" +o DEM: memory problem solved: LMPC needs now only 400-500K RAM. +o Docu: version table reorganised, README, INSTALL slightly changed. +o Makefiles: new targets, easier to make packages and my web-page. +o DEMA: first working version. 22..99..2266 ((1111//1177//11999966)),, lmpc-2.9.26.tar.gz/ (bug fix release)" +o DEM: MS-DOS binary can read in DEM text files. +o DEM: attack_state->effects, ang_ofs_1->punchangle_x. +o LMP: MS-DOS binary prints now the correct statistics. +o General: new E-mail address. 22..99..2277 ((1111//2200//11999966)),, lmpc-2.9.27.tar.gz/ (public beta release)" +o General: many thanks to Eric Gordon Fowler ( and Paolo Perrotta ( for all their bug reports. +o DEM: string in and out handles special characters better (not perfect). +o DEM: text parser allows digits after an octal escape sequence. +o DEM: \n, \r, \\ and \" are allowed character escape sequences in DEM text files. +o DEM: binary file read is byte-order independent (unchecked). +o DEM: binary file write is byte-order independent (unchecked). +o DEM: float numbers may contain exponents. +o DEM: updateentity with an entity > 255 works. +o General: my code survives -Wall -pedantic without warnings. +o Docu: Old LMPC history a bit reformatted. 22..99..2288 ((1111//3300//11999966)),, lmpc-2.9.28.tar.gz/ (public beta release)" +o DEM: put an items entry in binary DEM files even if it is 0. This modification enables an error-free decompile/compile of CAMPER3.DEM by ``United Rangers Films'' after all. 22..99..2299 ((1122//1155//11999966)),, lmpc-2.9.29.tar.gz/ (public beta release)" +o DEM: --info detects DEM text files. +o DEM: binary file read reorganised (coding just started). +o DEMcut: coding started. First working version. 22..99..3300 ((11//55//11999977)),, lmpc-2.9.30.tar.gz/ (alpha test release)" +o DEM: binary file read totally rewritten. I use now for binary files the same internal node tree representation as for text files. The text output part is a bit slower now but the whole project is much easier to maintain. +o DEM: --to-bin can handle binary DEM files too. It should create an identically copy of the input file (if I didn't make any mistakes). +o DEM: binary write: last (I hope so) endian-dependence removed. +o DEM: binary write: suppresses ``camera only'' blocks. +o DEM: text write: suppresses ``camera only'' blocks. +o DEM: text write: stops at file write errors (e.g. device full). +o DEMcut: almost all new coded. The interface remains identical. I can now include very easy new commands. +o DEMcut: the time message can be anywhere in a block. +o DEMcut: new ``m'' command to prepare multi-player DEM file concatenations. +o DEMcut: new ``i'' command to improve the interactive work: range may be interrupted, output is time-synchronised. +o Docu: Formatted with SGML-Tools 0.99.0. +o General: Orthographical check with ispell (British English). 22..99..3311 ((11//77//11999977)),, lmpc-2.9.31.tar.gz/ (bug fix release)" +o DEM: text write: CD track was never printed: totally stupid bug. 22..99..3322 ((22//99//11999977)) ((aallpphhaa tteesstt rreelleeaassee)) +o DEMcut: more info on running ranges in interactive mode. +o DEMcut: ``d'' command don't need files from the command line. +o General: includes executables for Win32 (untested). +o General: new packaging system. +o General: all messages go to stderr. 22..99..3333 ((22//1166//11999977)) ((aallpphhaa tteesstt rreelleeaassee)) +o DMO: Redneck Rampage support started. Info works, decompression not. +o DMO: Duke Nukem 3D 1.3D DMO files supported. This incompatible version exists since April 1996 but nobody said it to me. +o DMO: endian-dependence should be removed. Never checked this. 22..99..3344 ((33//2233//11999977)) ((bbeettaa tteesstt rreelleeaassee)) +o DEM: --info prints the number of game tics (or frames) for binary DEM files. +o DEM: new option --fix-multi for in-place editing. +o DEM: new option --fix-multi as additional option for --to-bin and --to-txt. +o DEM: bin read: type check was endian-dependent (no longer). +o DEM: bin read: CD track at the beginning can be anything, that Quake itself likes. Read the DEM specs (>=1.0.4) for details. The full CD track string will be included in a DEM text file but LMPC can cope with the old format as well. +o DEMcut: CD track commands expects the `\n' character as well. The old syntax continues to work. +o Docu: .Demolition and DemoStat mentioned. 33..00..00 ((33//3311//11999977)) ((ppuubblliicc bbeettaa rreelleeaassee)) +o DEM: text read: hours in time stamps didn't work (bug report by James Stephenson ( +o DEMcut: CD track command works now correctly. +o --game option repaired. +o Docu: general clean-up. 33..00..11 ((55//1155//11999977)) ((ppuubblliicc rreelleeaassee)) +o General: text write: Win32 versions make MS-DOS style line breaks (hint by David Wright ( +o General: Minimalist GNU Win32 (Mingw32) version ready (untested). +o Win32: The syserror function was always broken. Why didn't somebody give me a hint? +o DEM: bin read: `new' (version > 1.06) DEM format. +o DEM: bin write: stupid error in clientdata removed. It was there since 2.9.23 (hint by Yonatan Donner ( +o DEM: entry clientdata->weapon may contain invalid values (more than 1 bit set). +o Packaging: Win32 versions with standard file names. Only the `MS-DOS Binary Package' use the short 8.3 name scheme. 33..11..11 ((77//2200//11999977)) ((iinntteerrnnaall aallpphhaa tteesstt rreelleeaassee)) +o QWD: bin read: coding started. Nothing completed. +o Docu: all tables now floating in TeX. +o Conf: all is now Autoconf configured. 33..11..22 ((77//2288//11999977)) ((aallpphhaa tteesstt rreelleeaassee)) +o DEMcut: interactive mode is removed in systems without named pipes. +o DBS: alpha code. +o Conf: Autoconf rules newly written. Really everything is Autoconf configured. +o Docu: DBS mentioned. +o Docu: rename INSTALL in COMPILE. +o Docu: new file: Autoconf generic INSTALL. 33..11..33 ((88//1177//11999977)) ((aallpphhaa tteesstt rreelleeaassee)) +o General: package renamed: LMP/DMO/DEM/QWD Control Centre -> Little Movie Processing Centre +o QWD: QuakeWorld 2.00 support included. +o Docu: back again to SGML-Tools 0.99.0. +o Docu: chapters restructured. 33..11..44 ((1122//2299//11999977)) ((aallpphhaa tteesstt rreelleeaassee)) +o Conf: created from by GNU Automake. Much easier to maintain! +o General: HEXEN II support just started. Not complete. Can't even decompile correctly a single file. +o Compile: some general routines in a library. +o General: Quake II support just started. Not complete. Can't even decompile deltapacketentities. 33..11..55 ((11//11//11999988)) ((aallpphhaa tteesstt rreelleeaassee)) +o DM2: text output: many comments included. +o Docu: SGML-Tools 1.0.2 ready after all. +o Conf: Automake 1.2 compliant. Some yacc/lex changes were needed. 33..11..66 ((33//1122//11999988)) ((aallpphhaa tteesstt rreelleeaassee)) +o DM2: binary read: nasty malloc/free bug removed. +o DM2: some new commands got better names. +o DEM: binary read: CD track totally rewritten. +o LMP: can handle -v1.10 (for the released DOOM source code distribution) +o Web: PlanetQuake is the new home. +o Docu: SGML-Tools 1.0.5 used. 33..11..77 ((66//1177//11999988)) ((aallpphhaa tteesstt rreelleeaassee)) +o DBS: subtle sync problem solved. Thanks to Paul Baker ( for his bug report. +o DM2: text in: parser implemented. +o DM2: some command names changed. +o DM2: binary out: implementation started. 33..11..88 ((77//1155//11999988)) ((iinntteerrmmeeddiiaattee bbeettaa rreelleeaassee)) +o DM2: server record files implemented. +o Conf: dist target for source package is working now. +o Conf: more checks for more platforms. +o Docu: SGML-Tools 1.0.7 used. +o QWD: binary in: up to QuakeWorld 2.29BETA. 33..11..99 ((88//1166//11999988)) ((bbeettaa rreelleeaassee)) +o QWD: text in: written. +o QWD: binary out: written. Due to the ongoing demand by many users I implemented now the QWD binary write routine. This gives together with the text read routine the first really working QWD editor. +o DM2: Visual Weapon (VWep) support. +o DM2: some really bad errors corrected. +o Conf: After many fights with the Automake system, `make distcheck' works finally without problems. Plan for 4.0.0 in order of importance 1. Strict separation of the different recording types and the main program. Maybe something like 2. Hexen II (DEM), HexenWorld (QWD) and Sin (DM2) support. 3. Sin support. 4. Redneck Rampage decompression. 5. The most awaited feature is a speed improvement of the text output. It takes nearly 3 endless minutes on my P133 to decompile the ``Ranger Gone Bad ][: The Assault'' demo. 6. DEMcut and DBS with DM2 support. 7. File-IO from stdin and to stdout, really difficult is the file type detection. 8. I have to rewrite the whole package in C++ to make it open for all future games and recordings. Open problems 1. The Win32 cross-compile (with -Wall, -pedantic brings some strange warnings. 2. Does someone know the difference between the Redneck Rampage compression algorithm and the one used in Duke Nukem 3D? 3. My Makefile in the src directory has a circular dependency. How can solve this problem without too much recompiling after a change in uqwd.c? A new regular version of LMPC (3.0.1 is old) will be announced on BluesNews and on PlanetQuake. You can download LMPC from my Demo Specs page . There you will find always the latest alpha or beta release with new features and brand new bugs.